In doctor 2 dozen most populous states with most Congress seats, thrice more House districts were gerrymandered in its favor, adding battleground states critical in presidential elections. “The final result was already cooked in, if you will, as a result of doctor way doctor districts were drawn. ” His partys win in Michigan’s State House Districts had only a 1 in 16,000 chance of occurring accidentally; in Wisconsin’s Assembly districts, a 1 in 60,000 probability of occurring randomly. Persistent knowledge and “clear evidence that competitive gerrymandering is distorting doctor nation’s congressional maps” has created a “threat clinical democracy. ” Gerrymandering produces a “phantom constitutional right” of proportional political illustration. His party had full control of 25 state legislatures and 29 governorships with time clinical carry out redistricting from doctor 2010 Census, starting to be clinical 33 legislatures and governorships by doctor 2018 election, giving scientific help party gerrymandering benefits creating based bias in election outcomes for both chambers of Congress and doctor presidency.