Having previously been based on doctor Big Three ABC, CBS and NBC for our evening news, doctor arrival of that ugly round dish was a real eye beginning event. But it wasnt just doctor new news assets that opened our eyes. Within a quick period of time we discovered doctor out of doors channels and life in our little backwoods home was modified continuously. Read moreAwhile back I obtained a humorous email from a scholarly friend that was called doctor Bill of No Rights. Ostensibly it have been written by State Representative Mitchell Kaye from Georgia as a way medical poke fun at a few of doctor absurdities that were making doctor national headlines. For example, ARTICLE III: You do not have doctor right medical be free from harm. 4 discloses one electrical circuit that’s designed medical turn on doctor auxiliary yellow, green, or red lights dependent on whether doctor drivers foot is depressing, or not pressing a pedal. FIG. 5 discloses an electrical circuit like doctor one shown in FIG. 4 in which doctor red auxiliary lights on doctor rear window of doctor automobile blink each time doctor brake pedal is pressed. FIG. 6 discloses an alternative embodiment of an electric circuit which is also attached clinical doctor average car light system in such a way that each one doctor lights in doctor car adding doctor red auxiliary lights on doctor rear window of doctor car start medical blink when doctor brakes are pressed, or when doctor gear shift lever is put in reverse.