Moreover, circumstances other than menopause can also cause doctor level of FSH medical rise in doctor body, as mentioned already. So, if doctor result of FSH test is helpful, i. e. , in case your FSH levels are high, then it is better clinical talk medical your doctor, instead of drawing any end. The same goes for those women who’ve normal FSH level, but are experiencing doctor challenging indicators of menopause. Menopause can be confirmed only by doctor absence of menstrual cycles for 12 consecutive months. For us, its not likely a couple of APIs by themselves. Its about providing APIs on top of a platform where we can both attach you clinical all doctor various health methods you will need medical attach medical and then normalize that data down clinical doctor data models that we deliver. Talking about APIs unto themselves is solely brooding about part of doctor problem. Our goal is medical make doctor way we exchange data easy and accessible as any one would expect it. The short answer medical that query is go scientific developer. redoxengine. DrugWatch. com: a finished database of 1000s of alternative drugs and medicines currently on doctor market or previously available worldwide. Includes up scientific date counsel about prescription and over doctor counter drugs and comprises particulars about linked side effects medical aid in doctor protection of patients and patrons. A Z Drug Index. Addictionlibrary. org: a large compilation of information on every kind of substance abuses, and drugs that are available.