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S. , and Scott K. A. 2005. Kids in Context: doctor Sociological Study of Children and Childhoods. Maryland: doctor Rowman and Littlefield Publishing Group. Despite plurilingual students and multilingual lecture rooms being common from basic schooling medical higher schooling, doctor use of translanguaging is still limited and it is usually associated with a feeling of guilt by both teachers and students Creese and Blackledge 2010: 103. Even in doctor types of education which claim themselves multilingual, doctor languages proceed clinical be utilized in strict separation within doctor lessons, like two solitudes, as defined by Cummins 2005: 588590. Studies on doctor use of translanguaging in primary and secondary schooling are very recent, accumulated in doctor last decade and, even though they’re scattered around doctor a number of continents, in just about all cases one of doctor two languages concerned is English. The main reports in basic and secondary education are: Cummins 2005 who speaks about cross linguistic move as coaching recommendations; Garca 2009 and Garca et al. 2011 who studied in specific doctor use of translanguaging in US lecture rooms, by Spanish speakers in doctor first case, and by newcomer immigrants in doctor second case; Creese and Blackledge 2010 who examine doctor use of translanguaging in Gujarati and Chinese faculties in doctor United Kingdom; Canagarajah 2006, 2011 and Cenoz and Gorter 2011, both regarding doctor use of translanguaging in writing skills; and Kano 2012 who studied doctor use of translanguaging by Japanese students in New York. In tertiary education, but it, doctor stories are even more recent and still only a few: Adamson and Fujimoto Adamson 2012 studied how doctor use of translanguaging at a self access language centre in a Japanese university has changed doctor students language learning; Andersson et al.